The Effect of Educational Videos Used in History Education on Academic Success


Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of History, Ağrı-Turkey


Keywords: History education, History education videos, Ancient history videos, Educational videos, Video-based learning.


The purpose of the research is to examine and assess the videos used in history education. In the study, the academic success levels of the students who received their history education through videos that comprise of voice, text, animation and sound components. Also, answers to the question of whether there is any difference in the academic success levels of students who received their education through video components were looked for, via 50 multiple-choice questions. Furthermore, the views and experiences of students on the topic of the education given were researched through 7 semi-structured qualitative questions. In the research; three short videos used in history education that were prepared in different styles were used. Two of these videos were merged due to them sharing the same topic. The study universe consists of about 400 students at high school (9th grade) level in Ağrı province. The sample was chosen by using purposeful sampling method. According to the acquired findings; history education videos were noted to be of vital contribution to motivation and learning. While it may make it easier to determine which topics and styles cause gaps in learning, the results obtained in this research, it may also contribute greatly to improve and solve these.


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