Factors Affecting the Success of E-Learning-Based Training using Learning Management System Platforms: Adaptations of Updated DeLone and McLean Models

Agus Yudiawan

Sorong State Islamic Institute, West Papua, Indonesia.


Siti Rokhmah

Fattahul Muluk State Islamic Institute of Papua, Papua, Indonesia.


Talabudin Umkabu

Fattahul Muluk State Islamic Institute of Papua, Papua, Indonesia.


Febriani Safitri

Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia.



Muhammadiyah University of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.20448/jeelr.v9i3.4186

Keywords: E-Learning based training, Learning management system, Update DeLone-McClean IS success model.


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors, both direct and indirect, that affect the success of the learning management systems implemented in the Ministry of Education's “Sekolah Penggerak” training program. The DeLone-McClean IS Success Model was modified to be used as the study's analysis tool. The study employed a quantitative method with 122 samples. The survey technique employing Google Forms was used in the data collection process. The Partial Least Square Structural Model was analyzed using the Smart-PLS 3.0 software. As the t-statistic value was more than 1.96 and the p-value was less than 0.05, all hypotheses testing direct influence on success were accepted. Only four of the thirteen hypotheses on indirect influence were rejected. In conclusion, the DeLone-McClean IS Success Model can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a learning management system in various e-learning activities.


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