Analysis of 10th Chemistry Curriculum According to Revised Bloom Taxonomy

Seraceddin Levent Zorluoğlu

Isparta Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Mathematics & Science Education, Isparta, Turkey.

Aydın Kızılaslan

Agri Ibrahim Cecen University, Department of Special Education, Agri, Turkey.


Keywords: Science, Chemistry curriculum, Learning outcomes, Revised bloom taxonomy, Taxonomical analysis, Case study


In this study, evaluative case study was used to determine the realization level of the outcomes in the 10th chemistry curriculum. The 23 outcomes in the 10th grade chemistry curriculum were analyzed by two researchers. In order to determine the realization of the achievements based on practice, a chemistry teacher who attended the 10th grade chemistry course was observed. During the observations, notes were kept about the teaching, activity and evaluation dimensions of the application in order to make valid analyzes and shared with the other researcher to determine the size of the application according to RBT. In order to ensure the reliability of the observations, the analyzes were checked by an expert in RBT and the reliability coefficient was calculated (.79). When the realization status of the 10th grade chemistry curriculum is evaluated, it is understood that it meets 48% in teaching dimension, 57% in activity dimension and 83% in evaluation dimension.


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