International Journal of Modern Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Asian Online Journal Publishing Group en-US International Journal of Modern Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2521-0181 ANSYS Workbench: Concrete Pavement Model <p>Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) as well as the cores extracted from the concrete road slab were tested in the early days on plain cement concrete pavements which were laid in the Mumbai city. Before crushing the concrete cores the test of ultra sonic pulse velocity (UPV) was carried out. It was observed from the tests carried out that the deflections were within the limits set up by Indian codes as well as research carried out in other parts of world. Apart from it the concrete pavement model is also necessary to check the stresses and strain. The different components of stress and strain are observed through the graphics of software. The present paper consists of the stress, strain and deformation of the model after vehicular loads.</p> Shrikant M. Harle Prakash S. Pajgade Copyright (c) 0 2017-12-05 2017-12-05 1 2 53 59 10.20448/journal.526.2017.12.53.59