An Efficient Solution for Water Oxygenation

Tănase Elena Beatrice

Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Nicolae Băran

Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Mlisan Rasha

Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Keywords: Water oxygenation, Porous diffusers, Spark erosion, Fine bubble generator, Pressure loss, Energy economy.


The paper presents a new constructive solution for fine bubble generator, used for water oxygenation. The novelty is the fact that the air entering nozzles in water (Ø0.5•10-3 m) were performed by spark erosion. The advantages of this constructive solution that generate a pressure loss much lower than that which appears at porous diffusers, are revealed. Therefore, there is an economy of electricity at the compressor station that provides the compressed air required for water oxygenation.


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